
Course recognition

Please always check the German page for the most current information!


You can apply for the recognition of courses by using a form (see above) or via u:space. The form, together with the certificate, must be submitted to the StudienServiceStelle. You can also use the form to apply for the recognition of courses as an alternative extension (Alternative Erweiterung). If, however, you would like to have your courses recognised for an extension curriculum (Erweiterungscurriculum), the SSC/SSS of the study program that offered this EC is responsible.

Reassigning courses

If a grade has already been booked within the study programme Comparative Literature Studies but under a different module, no recognition is required, but rather a 'reassignment':

Write from your u:account address ( an e-mail to, indicating the following data:

  • name
  • student ID number
  • title and date of the examination &
  • in which module / curriculum item the grade should be transferred.

If the course is valid for the desired curriculum item, the grade can be reassigned by the SSS.

Erasmus recognition

For the recognition of Erasmus credits, please use the form available via the Mobility-Online platform:

The certificate of the foreign university must be enclosed.