
Mag. Dr. Daniel Syrovy, Privatdoz.
Daniel Syrovy
Syrovy, D. (2024). Das 19. Jahrhundert zwischen Zensurbürokratisierung und Freiheitskampf. In N. Roßbach (Ed.), Zensur. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium (pp. 289-311). Nomos Verlag.

Syrovy, D. (2023). Two early modern examples of “popular science”: The role of scientific societies for Georg Philipp Harsdörffer and Charles Sorel. In M. Le Roux (Ed.), Modalités de la communication scientifique et technique: Perspectives historiques (pp. 97-108). Peter Lang.

Ferstl, P., Folie, S., Leschanz, C., Mallmann, T., & Syrovy, D. (Eds.) (2022). Vom Sammeln und Ordnen. Achim Hölter zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet. Weidler Buchverlag. Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft

Syrovy, D. (2022). Fictitious Musicians - Fictitious Music? In J. Werner, & N. Bachleitner (Eds.), Popular Music and the Poetics of Self in Fiction (pp. 269-285). Brill.

Syrovy, D. (2022). Letzte Frauen. Die (Post)Apokalypse nach Marlen Haushofer und Hannelore Valencak. In A. Capovilla (Ed.), Marlen Haushofer: Texte und Kontexte (pp. 159-183). Frank & Timme.

Syrovy, D. (2022). On Literary Shipwreck before Robinson Crusoe. In C. Haug, J. Frimmel, & B. Bell (Eds.), 300 Jahre "Robinson Crusoe": Ein Weltbestseller und seine Rezeptionsgeschichte (pp. 41-53). De Gruyter.

Syrovy, D. (Ed.) (2021). Discourses on Nations and Identities. De Gruyter. XXI. Congress of the ICLA - Proceedings Vol. 3

Syrovy, D. (2021). Literatur, Politik und habsburgische Zensur in Lombardo-Venetien. Harrassowitz. Buchforschung : Beiträge zum Buchwesen in Österreich Vol. 12

Syrovy, D. (2020). Die Widmungstexte der deutschsprachigen Amadisromane vor 1600. In A. Noe, & H.-G. Roloff (Eds.), Die Bedeutung der Rezeptionsliteratur für Bildung und Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit (1400–1750) : Beiträge zur sechsten Arbeitstagung in St. Pölten (Mai 2019) (Vol. 139, pp. 171-188). Peter Lang.

Syrovy, D. (2020). Massimo D’Azeglios Ettore Fieramosca und der historische Roman in Lombardo-Venetien zwischen Zensur und Nationalerzählung. In M. Bender, S. Schütz, & P. Grüttner (Eds.), Nonkonformismus und Subversion: Festschrift zu Ehren von Thomas Bremer Verlag Janos Stekovics.

Syrovy, D. (2020). The Originals of the Original of Don Quixote: Translation and Pseudotranslation in the Spanish Libros de Caballerías. In N. Bachleitner (Ed.), Literary Translation, Reception, and Transfer (Vol. 2, pp. 97-107). De Gruyter.

Syrovy, D. (2020). Translation, Transmission, Irony: Benoît de Sainte-Maure and the Trope of the Fictional Source Text in Western Literature before Cervantes. In N. Bachleitner, A. H. Hölter, & J. A. McCarthy (Eds.), Taking Stock – Twenty-Five Years of Comparative Literary Research (pp. 447-492). Rodopi/Brill.

Syrovy, D. (2019). What’s in a Name? On the Titles of Early Modern Narratives, in Particular Those of the Spanish libros de caballerías. In B. Besamusca, E. De Bruijn, & F. Willaert (Eds.), Early Printed Narrative in Western Europe (pp. 351-374). De Gruyter.

Curriculum vitae

2002–2008 Diploma programme Comparative Literature, University of Vienna (focus on Romance Studies); Thesis: Gedichtpassagen in Romanen. Eine Theorie ihrer Formen und Funktionen

2008–2012 Doctoral progamme Comparative Literature, University of Vienna; PhD-thesis: Problems of Genre in the Novels of Miguel de Cervantes and Charles Sorel

2008–2013 Lecturer at the Dpt. of Comparative Literature, University of Vienna

2010–2012 Researcher FWF-Project Die Österreichischen Listen verbotener Bücher 1750–1848 (P22320; Prof. Dr. N. Bachleitner) [The Austrian Lists of Banned Books, 1750-1848]

2013–2018 Post-doc Assistant at the Dpt. of Comparative Literature, University of Vienna

2014–2017 Researcher ÖNB-Jubiläumsfonds-Project Zensur der italienischen Literatur in der Habsburgermonarchie, 1750–1918 (P16069; Leitung Prof. Dr. N. Bachleitner) [The Censorship of Italian Literature in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1918]

2015-2019 international teaching exchanges in the Erasmus+ programme (Università degli Studi di Milano, Università di Bologna, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)

2016 Member of the Organizational Committee for the 21st Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), Vienna, July 21–27, 2016

2018 "Habilitation" and venia legendi in Comparative Literature, University of Vienna.Ein Zweig der Politik.“ Zur Bedeutung der habsburgischen Bücherzensur und anderer polizeilicher Maßnahmen für das literarische Feld Lombardo-Venetiens (mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf dem Zeitraum 1813–1848)

2019, May-July Lecturer at the Center for Book Studies, LMU Munich

2019– Senior Lecturer und Vice-Director of Studies for the Dpt. of Comparative Literature, University of Vienna

Research interests

- The Castilian 15-16th c. libros de caballerías, in particular their relationship to historiography, questions of genre, and translations (pseudo-translations)

- Metafiction and metanarrativity in late medieval/ Early Modern prose romances in their international dimension (Spanish, French, Italian, German)

- Book censorship in the Habsburg Monarchy (18th, 19th c.)

- Networks and structures of book publication of literary Modernism (English-language areas, Argentinia, Vienna)

- Participatory culture and Fandom throughout literary history

- Conlangs (constructed languages) in Science Fiction

Special qualifications and skills

Didactic Qualifications:
Attendance of various Seminars at the University of Vienna's Center for Teaching and Learning  (2019-)

German (first language); English, Spanish, Italian, French (written and spoken); Latin

"Sie hatte einmal den halben Ulysses gelesen" - Bachmann und Joyce (und Balzac)

Daniel Syrovy (Speaker)

30 Nov 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Between Policing and Literary Criticism: Habsburg Censorship of Literature in Lombardy-Venetia

Daniel Syrovy (Speaker)

6 Sept 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Zur Textgenese von 'Ein Umweg' und Doderers Quellen

Daniel Syrovy (Speaker)

4 Oct 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Das französische Faustbuch als Forschungsproblem

Daniel Syrovy (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Imaginary Journeys to the Middle East in the Italian and Spanish Chivalric Romances

Daniel Syrovy (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Zwischen moralischer Motivation und Diskurssteuerung. Habsburgische Zensur in Lombardo-Venetien

Daniel Syrovy (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

What the Titles of Early Modern Narratives Suggest

Daniel Syrovy (Speaker)

25 Nov 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies

Sensengasse 3a
1090 Wien
Room: O5.03